When You Have Diabetes and You Want to Munch...What Can You Eat Freely?
People with diabetes can freely eat foods with little to no carbohydrates. Meat and non-starchy vegetables contain little to no carbohydrates, and you can eat them without fear of raising your blood sugar. Download this list of 41 non-starchy vegetables that won't raise your blood sugar and eat all you like!

How to Actually Stop Eating Sugar in 3 Simple Steps

Is it Safe to Drink Alcohol with Type 2 Diabetes?

Calculate Your Carb Needs in Minutes, for Better Blood Sugars
Ever stood in the grocery aisle reading food labels, trying to figure out what on earth a "percent daily value" might be, and how that might possibly be linked to your personal carbohydrate requirements? This post will break it down for you, so you’ll know exactly how many grams of carbs you need at each meal and snack.

Sweetener vs. Sugar: Which One is Best for People Who Have Diabetes?
Research tells us that people who regularly use alternative sweeteners are heavier than people who don't. Sometimes, people who hear this draw the conclusion that sweeteners cause weight gain. That's not necessarily true.