How to Send Your Inner Critic Packing...For a Very, Very Long Trip

Stress and Diabetes: How Does Your State of Mind Affect Your Blood Sugar?

First Steps to Take When Emotional Eating Affects Your Type 2 Diabetes

What to Do When You're Full and They Keep Pushing Food
The truth is, I can't look at you and know whether or not you're hungry. Likewise, you can't look at me and know whether or not I'm full. We can make an educated guess if we know how long it's been since the other person's last meal, but we don't know anything for sure because we don't live inside anyone else's body.

Is Stress Eating Ruining Your Blood Sugar Management? How to Regain Control
There's a biological reason for stress eating. Find out how food, feelings, and stress hormones are interconnected, and get practical advice that you can apply today to help you take the first step to stop stress eating.
When Taking Care of Yourself is a Top Priority, Everybody Wins
When it comes to food & health, the overly responsible person will prioritize everyone else’s needs above her own, leaving no time to care for herself.